Saturday, December 5, 2009

T Minus 10 Days...

As I sit here and look at my current home and think about the quick trip we made through the new home earlier today, I can't hardly believe that everything will and needs to be wrapped up in 10 DAYS!!! While I have made significant progress packing, there is still so much to be done! The last of our Craig's List offers were picked up today too. Our house feels so empty...except for the clutter that has been emptied out of closets and cabinets and is awaiting it's new home in a UHaul box.

The new house definitely had some progress this week, but it's starting to get stressful going in and seeing so much left to be done. They were working this weekend, but we've been told that the cleaners come on Friday so I assume everything has to be done by EOD Thursday. I think I might actually wait to go back until our final walk thru...we'll see how long that thought lasts. ;)


sara said...

jen, it's looking great! so excited for you. how awesome to be in it before christmas!!

HootieMama said...

Wow! The process has flown by! So excited for all of you!! We can't wait to visit and see your new neighborhood! ;-)

I love the fact that you were able to get rid of so much stuff via craigslist! What a load off (literally!)

Happy Moving!