Sunday, October 17, 2010

Life as we know it...

is most often filled with the sounds of little voices and laughter these days. The boys have been reminding us how lucky we are over and over again lately. It's so hard to put into words (and remember) all the special moments we experience nearly every day. What I will have no problem remembering for many years to come is the sight of their precious smiles. We are doing our best to try and have as much fun as we can every day (or weekend) and we have actually had a Fall this year! It's been so nice to have a few extra weekends to be outside as we are usually hearing about snow in the forecast this time of year. :( We went to a playground yesterday and had fun letting Blake take some pictures...not too bad I must say. He must have a little Aunt Jill in him. :):

It's been a while since I wrote a few things about each boy...

My Blake - I love that you love it when I wear "easy pants" just like you. I love that sometimes when I ask you what you have said you say "I was talking to myself." I love that your teachers say you are a really good friend. I love that you love every kind of fruit, even if it means you won't touch red meat. I love that you love to lay by me in bed when I read my book so you can hold my bookmark (a magazine subscription card from a parents mag) because the two little girls pictured on it are "cute." I love watching you and Luke play hide and seek together and seeing you take him by the hand to help him find us. I love that you call the toy aisles in Target "islands." I love that you will sometimes say a bad word (like stupid or poop) and then ask me if it was an "ax-i-dent?" I love that you are such a bright, happy, good hearted, silly, imaginative little 4 year old. You are my sunshine and brighten each and every day.

My Luke - I love that you do a "somersault" (aka rolling like a log on the floor) and then get so excited and say "I did it!" I love that you wake up singing. I love that you sleep like a champ and actually wake up in your own bed. I love that you asked me for a solid week "all done running Mom?" after you saw me run in a race last weekend. I love that you make me read Big Red Barn to you twice every night just because we have 2 separate books of it. I love how you told me "I just can't remember" when I asked you to name something that was the color red one night. I love how you whisper when you get shy. I love that your jump and hop have finally gotten some air under them! I love that you can't keep from grinning when I mention your teachers...Ms. Sarah, Ms. Jamie and Ms. Erin. I love that you are such a good eater and will try most things. And I love that you are such a talkative, funny, energetic, spirited, cheerful, good mannered little 2 year old. You are the twinkle in my eye.

Hollywood! Blake will forever be known to us as that...when he was about 1 he wore some sunglasses on a walk and a man called him "hollywood" and it just stuck!

This kid loves to swing. I mean LOVES to swing. Luckily this playground has a castle and bouncy horses or else we would probably still be there swinging...a day later.

Horsey rides...our backs were getting tired so Blake was so sweet to offer to take Luke for a ride.

Finally a smile!

Showing off his new haircut...I feel like he aged about 5 years with the new cut.

the photographer's self portrait!

We will call this one..."view from the backseat"

I love this one - Luke through Blake's eyes.

Daddy and his boys

Mama and her wiggly boys!

Blake took this one...pretty good!

and this one...I love the abstract angle he used. :)

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