Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Cousins make the best buddies...

If ever there was a reason to award a 7 year old an Olympic Medal this was it...
Cousin Jacob and Blake were an absolute riot this weekend. I'm sure there are much more fun ways to spend your weekend than having a 2 year old constantly hang off of you and boss you around, but Jacob was such a saint and not only tolerated it, but had some fun with it too. Blake already misses him and can't wait to see him again next month.

This picture sums it all up!

1 comment:

HootieMama said...

We had the best time! We loved visiting with you and spending time playing with Blake and holding/feeding Luke. When I told Ross about your blog, he said, "What? No props for the uncle who changed a dirty diaper?" He was so proud of himself! He thought he wouldn't have to do that again (until grandkids!)

We can't wait to see you in September! I so wish we lived closer to each other -- I'd have to babysit all the time!

Love ya!! Jill